The Key to Independence

About us
At RNS Living we take pride when providing care and support to our clients. We mainly offer services to local authorities who wish to source accommodation and support packages for care leavers and other vulnerable people aged 16+. We provide safe and secure accommodation combined with quality support tailored to the young persons individual needs, ensuring a bespoke service for all our residents. Our services assists young people in transitioning to early adulthood by supporting them with many of the overwhelming tasks that are needed to be accomplished when becoming an adult. Our expert staff and exemplary resources give the young people the stability they need for success and a head start to independency.
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Programs & Services
Stability for Success

Our provisions are all safe and secure, and all comprise of a fully fitted kitchen, living area, bathrooms, toilets, staff room, and garden. We inspect all our provisions on a regular basis and ensure all safety regulations are up to date.
Each property consist with a fridge, single bed, wardrobe, chest of draws, bedside cabinet along with a desk and chair. All our provision are hard wired with a CCTV system, all communal areas are monitored regularly by our service managers.
We provide a 24/7 emergency helpline for all our properties - this service is available for any emergency issues.
Free Internet access is available throughout all the provisions too. All access to internet is secure and monitored.
Tailored Support Work
Our support work covers all areas of early adulthood development and is specifically tailored to the needs of each individual. Each individual is assigned a key worker who will assist people to carry out their daily tasks to take care of themselves, teaching new skills, providing emotional support, Introducing new opportunities and pathways to success and most importantly ensuring they attain stability to live a fulfilled life.
Our staff are highly qualified and experience in delivering support and mentoring to young people, we focus on establishing healthy relationships and working cohesively with multiagency professionals to advocate and ensure the needs of the young persons are met.
All our staff undergo stringent vetting prior to employment and regular training once employed.
Education, Employment & Training
Young people who are considered NEET will be put on to this program which is designed to provide the tools and skills that are required to access Education Employment and training.
Our Key Workers are trained to deliver this program which is designed by qualified teachers. This program will cover the following areas and ultimately empower our young people.
Career development and planning
Access to the local job market
CV writing and employability support
Application support
Information and advice on Training and Education
Travel Training
Short-term and long-term aspirations
Direct Employer Engagement and Speculative Approaches